Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I Went To See Mom Early This Morning

I was there at the home right after 8am.  They were just using the lift to get her out of the tub.  When she came out I asked her how she enjoyed her bath.  She said I didn't.  I never enjoy it now as its in and out.  I really don't blame her ....its so nice to relax and soak.   So I fed her,her breakfast.  She did terrific.  She had a large bowl of cereal 3 half slices of toast with jam and a bit of ham, and hot chocolate.  Then she had orange juice and a large glass of milk.  Breakfast for sure is her best meal.  It was great to see her eat.  Usually at lunch and or dinner she eats little.  I braided her hair and put on lipstick and a pretty scarf.  We had a nice little talk.  I told her as soon as the weather gets warm enough we are going down to the lake to get an icecream cone.  It's only a block away so I will push her in her wheel chair. She was quite happy about that.  I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have even a small conversation.  It really does lift one's spirits.


  1. That's great to hear, Pat. Give her a hug from us when you see her next.

  2. I'm on vacation...but I haven't taken the time to comment on the family blogs...so since I managed to start my day at 4:30 am.{ sleep wasn't happening last night } I decided to put the extra time to use!! Glad mom had a good day...they seem to be so rare...that any positive change is a joy!!! I have tried to call you twice now...got Bill both times.....I'm not in "sink" {LOL} with your sleep cycle...I have found tons of good fish stuff to share...also I think corn on the cob is fresh last part of July early

    august..we can go to one of our growers and pick it fresh...anyway...lets talk soon!!! love me!
