Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Wonderful Reunion With A Great Friend

Thanks to Heather doing some research....she ran into a sweet friend of mine on the internet. She is a neat friend that  I ran around with, in my youth.  It's been over 40 years since we have seen each other or have had any contact.  It is so great to relive my youth through Megan Tingen.  Our teenage years together were too fun.  We did lots of crazy things together and it's so fun putting the pieces back together.  She now lives in Mexico , so I am hoping to one day reunite with her again.  We have been chatting every day since we connected the beginning of February. I have to ask myself where has all that time gone.?
It sure is exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Glad its going so well...I tried to get her to send me a pic...so far nothing.
